About Me

Hi! I am Snehashish Laskar. I am 16 years old and I am a student/musician/solo developer. I currently study at Kodaikanal International School pursuing my Ineternational Baccalaureate Diploma. I was born and brought up in India. Over my childhood, I have lived throughout the country and have experienced multiculturism first hand. During middle school, I picked up skills that have stuck with me; in 6th grade I started learning to play the guitar and have recorded and mixed many songs; in 8th grade I ventured into programming and fundamentals of programing and computational mechanics. Since then i have been a developer working by my self on multiple projects.


Sahyadri School KFI (2018 - 2023)

Sahyadri School KFI is a school that I can truly call my home. It helped shape every aspect of my current self and was very impactful in making me who I am today. The school gave me many oppurtunities to learn important life skills through its valuable philosophical learning structure. During my foundational years, I was able to explore areas other than academics such as art, music, sports and theatre. I was greatly attracted to these areas and the school enabled me to pickup these skills that are going stay with me for the rest of my life.

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Kodaikanal International School (2023 - 2025)

When I graduated from Sahyadri, I was ready to move on to something new. I had realised by the time of my graduation that the ISC wasnt for me and that I should explore other curiculums. I wanted to dive into the depths of topics and throughly analyze them. I needed something that was research oriented. That is when I decided on pursuing an International Baccalaureate Diploma and felt that the best place to do that would be the oldest IB school in India. Joining the school and adjusting to the couse cirriculum of the International Baccalaureate was tough. It took some time for me to adjust to the the constant lab reports and research assignments. Kodaikanal International School helped me develop skills such as research analysis and leadership. The school has provided my with plenty of resources, helping me lead clubs and work on meaningful projects that help the environment and community.

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