Building My Portfolio Website

4th June 2024


Welcome everyone to my personal blog! I have developed this blog as part of my portfolio website. I would like to use this website to display my work and interests along with my CAS (Creativity, Activity and Service) experiences as part of the IBDP (International Baccalaureate Diploma Program). I am an IBDP student in my final year of high school. During my high school, I have developed many hobbies and interests: playing guitar and piano, producing and publishing my own music, programming apps and website(such as this). .replace('\n', '

To build this website I set a development environment using python3 on my MacBook. I opted to use Flask as the web framework as it is what I am most comfortable in. I set up Flask installing some dependencies using pip. I first designed the html templates I wanted to use. I decided to go ahead with a minimalist theme along with a fun font. After finishing the initial template I created different views for each section of the portfolio I wanted to display: developer portfolio, my music, CAS experiences. I used a custom database called Menous DB which I developed myself about a year ago. I made it possible for me to be logged into the website and change the contents of the website through different authorised page routes. .replace('\n', '

Overall building this website was a very fun process over the two weeks. I am satisfied with what I developed and would like to continue working on the projects further! The source code of the website can be found on my GitHub which is linked on the footer of every page in the website. You can also visit the developer portfolio and the GitHub for this project will be listed!.replace('\n', '

Thanks for reading my blog!.replace('\n', '